ESG INITIATIVESEnvironmental, Social, and Governance

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Within the MIRARTH Holdings Group, to which MIRARTH Asset Management Inc. belongs, we have set “Designing Sustainable Environments to Create Happiness for People and the Future of the Earth” as Our Purpose, and we are committed to sustainability activities through our business, such as supplying housing and promoting renewable energy, to contribute to solving social issues and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By doing so, we aim to gain trust from various stakeholders and society, and strive for sustainable development.

In recent years, there has been increasing attention on the responsibility of companies in addressing sustainability issues such as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors globally. In the asset management industry, it is widely recognized that understanding and managing risks and opportunities related to ESG issues is essential for maximizing long term corporate value.

In light of these circumstances, we believe that realizing a sustainable society contributes to enhancing investor value. Therefore, we have established the following policy as our “Policy on Sustainability,” under which we actively and concretely address ESG issues in our day to day business operations.

1. Engagement in environment
a. Investment on renewable energy to help solve climate change issues
We contribute to mitigating climate change issues through investment on minimal GHG emission renewable energy generation facilities.
b. Biodiversity consideration
We strive to conduct and preserve appropriate risk management considering the possible risk of properties and business facilities including renewable energy generation facilities impacting the surrounding ecosystem and biodiversity.
c. Resource saving/energy saving/waste reduction
We plan to continuously improve efficient use of resource ,energy and waste reduction.
2. Engagement in society
a. Stable energy supply
Through continuous investment in the stable growing renewable energy, we strive to contribute to enhancing energy self-sufficiency rate in our country.
b. Contribution to local community
Through investment and management of renewable energy facilities, we would like to contribute to local employment and development.
c. Engagement in executives and employees
In order to enhance individual operational capabilities, we take initiatives in creating environment and structures which allow our executives and employees to work in a secure and comfortable way. Also, we strive to provide educational and training opportunities to enhance the abilities, knowledge and awareness of ESG.
d. Engagement in supply chain
Along with all of our partner companies in the supply chain, we proceed with efforts on ESG ESG factors are also considered when purchasing and selecting products and services in our business activities.
3. Engagement in governance
a. Regulatory compliance
We comply with laws and regulations on ESG in all our business activities.
b. Information disclosure and transparency
As a public characteristic of our business, we establish trusted relationship with stakeholders including investors. We strive to proactively disclose ESG information in addition to the financial information.
c. Appropriate business operation
We establish the operation structure in The Asset Management, which ensures measures against conflict of interest and make impartial decisions between The Investment Corporation and private funds to which our sponsors and The Asset Management are entrusted.

Established in 5/23/2019